Drabble Day – Hair

Every once in a while, I let a professional dye my hair. Today is that day. I’ll also get them cut. Maybe bangs, I’m still unsure.
The point is that I have to run and only one subject can come to mind for the drabble prompt. 😉

Here is how the drabble challenge works!

  • Read the prompt and find your angle.
  • Write a drabble (100 words story, give or take five words).
  • Post a direct link to your drabble in the comments (or, if you don’t have a blog, just go ahead and post your drabble in the comments).

In honor of that souvenir that suddenly popped in my head, today’s drabble prompt is : Hair!

I know I’ve fallen behind on comments lately. I’ll be catching up today and, as usual, will make sure to read all your drabbles.
In the meantime, here is my story!


There are few things that make me angry. I pride myself on my pragmatism and relatively dispassionate attitude. Don’t get me wrong; I’m emotional when appropriate but I prefer turning emotions “off” rather to being angry. When I do though…
Despite my efforts, some things slip my defenses and launch me straight into hysteria.
Car troubles and bad drivers. Crying children at the restaurant and their yelling parents. Unsatisfactory paid services or goods.
But nothing equaled the fury the came over me when I found a stray blond hair on my pillow.
I’m a brunette. And so is my husband.

About Aheïla

Somewhere in Quebec City, Aheïla works as a Game Design Director by day and writes by night. Known for her blue hair, unyielding dynamism and tasty cooking (quails, anyone?), she’s convinced “prose is the new crack”. She satisfies her addiction daily on The Writeaholic’s Blog and weekly on Games' Bustles View all posts by Aheïla

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