Tag Archives: post-mortem

Lazy Raiders’ Post-Mortem

It is part of the game production process to do a post-mortem of every project in order to highlight the goods and the bads of its development. It’s a good way to learn from our mistakes and, more importantly, to learn from each other across the game industry.
In February, Sarbakan, the company I work for, launched its very first XBLA title. Obviously, every time you do a “first”, you learn a lot. The game producer, Ann Gauthier, wrote a wonderful post-mortem that ended up featured on Gamasutra, one of the well-renowned website about and for the game industry.
You can read it all here. It’s an interesting read for anyone interested in the making of games.

My own comment about Lazy Raiders, now that a few months have passed, are quite simple:

  1. We completed it. Despite the harshness of an adventure in uncharted territory and the general bad luck we had, we completed it.
  2. We successfully made two statements: we can make good console games (as our 79% Metacritic states) and we know the casual gamer.
  3. We are ready for more.

The team that worked on that project put their heart and sweat into the development, and now their efforts opened us new, exciting doors.
Keep an eye on us because you’ll hear from us again! 😉