Tag Archives: Firework

Lazy Raiders & Fireworks

I’ve been meaning to do that last Wednesday. It’s been delayed for various personal reasons but better late than never. Instead of having a “Lazy Raiders – Two Weeks Later”, I’ll just add an “ish” somewhere in the timeline and it’ll be just fine.

I don’t know if we finally got the sales numbers for Microsoft and I’m not sure I would be allowed to publish them even if we had. I do know that we’ve received some awesome reviews that I would like to share with you guys.

Let’s start by the big guy: Metacritic. It regroups a bunch of renowned review sites to make up a general note. Ours? 79%
A little bird told me it’s the better note for a game produced in Quebec city so far. I haven’t verified the veracity of that affirmation, though. It sure rocks anyway.

Here are notable reviews. The seven first make up our Metacritic’s note. The other ones are in no particular order.
XBox Addict: 87%
GameFocus: 81%
Totally360: 80%
IGN: 80% (which was already in my previous post)
Team Xbox Review: 80% (which was already in my previous post)
GameSpot: 75%
My Gamer: 67% (This one brings us down because of motion sickness which we knew would be a problem. We tried to solve it as best as we could.)

Capsule Computers: 9/10
Joystick Division: 4/5
Platform Nation: No numerical value
GoGamingGiant: 9/10
XXLGaming: 86% (and an Editor’s Choice!)
XBox Evolved: 82%
Abstact 360: 85%

There is also an interview with my boss and my lead game designer that you might want to check out on GamerBytes and an interview with the lead game designer only on Asbtract 360.

Disney’s Fireworks
In other news, our first DSiWare game is now available for download! We developed it for Disney and are very proud of it.
I haven’t worked on this one but it doesn’t make it any less great and addictive!
EDIT: Little mistake: the game will be available March 31st. Sorry guys!

Go ahead and enjoy it!
And don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted as soon as I can talk about my upcoming game. 😉