News from the Blue-haired Ghost

I can’t believe I’m typing on this webpage again. It feels like it’s been forever.
I missed you guys.
You know how it is when you lose track of a good friend for some time: you hope that once you find the time to reconnect, they’ll answer and that after a “so how have you been?” the laughter, chemistry and all that jazz will return.

How have you been?

On my end,  I had a very busy summer, as you may have guessed from my complete disappearance from the blogosphere.

There was Quebec’s Summer Festival during which I got to see LMFAO, Bon Jovi, Skrillex, Aerosmith and The Offsprings (among others).
Then, there was overtime at work and my return to teaching once a week.
And all through it, there was also the need to complete the edits on Oil and Boiling Water.

Well, most of this is behing me now. Today or tomorrow, I’m submitting my novel to Harper Voyager while they still accept unrequested manuscript. Next Tuesday, I’m flying out to Vancouver to go to the Surrey International Writer’s Conference where I’ll meet agents and authors!
There’s a possibility work will fly me from Vancouver to Europe to meet a client before I head back to Quebec on the 24th or 25th. I’ll know Monday.
A friend of mine won a trip to Puerto Plata and she picked me to go along. So I’m flying out again on November 6th. Back on the 13th.
And once all that is done, it may be too close to Christmas to start querying. *shrugs* We’ll see!

I feel like a jetset punk who speaks with too much joy and onomatopeia.
There’s a story in there somewhere.
Not that I’ll have time to write it soon (or the rest of Strings of Retaliation, for that matter). My schedule forces me to do a gradual return to blogging instead of jumping back in like I want, but I’ll try to keep you posted on my trips and Query Quest as much as possible.

Back to the initial question for now.

How have YOU been? 😉

About Aheïla

Somewhere in Quebec City, Aheïla works as a Game Design Director by day and writes by night. Known for her blue hair, unyielding dynamism and tasty cooking (quails, anyone?), she’s convinced “prose is the new crack”. She satisfies her addiction daily on The Writeaholic’s Blog and weekly on Games' Bustles View all posts by Aheïla

6 responses to “News from the Blue-haired Ghost

  • ralfast

    Glad to have you back. I hope the trip(s) go well. Enjoy! 😀

  • grmigilber

    To answer your conclusion question I’ve been quite busy these last weeks with summit of works in my AEC program.

    In parallel of theses studies I enjoyed listening to eclectic movies in a theater where I am registred member called Le Clap located in a Pyramid.

    It can sounds weird but trust me this exist for real !

    I have a dream. To be able to know everything floating around the atmosphere of video games but I just can’t because there so much things to know about, everyday, everytime !

    Glad to see you again taking a hike on this website.

  • Anna

    You live! :p

    Well, I see you on fb anyway… but since you ask, I’m mostly alive and trying to get writing and editing done.

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