My First Blog Award

A few days ago, I received a blog award. Twice. One is from Ellen, the other from April. I’ve met them both on the Absolute Write Water Cooler forum when they entered the blog chains I launched. Apparently, neither of them had done blog chains before I kind of drove them to start.
Edit: Oh wait! I was listing the people I want to give the award too and realized that I received it one more time from the awesome Katherine Gilgraine!

So first, I’m going to jump around to signify my happiness at the reception of this first blog award. Then I’m going to give a “Thank you” hug to these amazing ladies.

And now, without further ado, here is my award:

Now, this award isn’t free! It comes with a few rules I’ll have to dutifully follow:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order…)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

Since I got the award twice, I’m going to share 14 things about myself.
1. My natural hair color is hard to describe. It’s like the beautiful child of light chestnut brown and light auburn. Some apparently say light golden reddish brown. *shrugs* My father really miss them.
2. What I miss like crazy are the acting classes I took from 5 and a half to 15.
3. I’m irrationally afraid of being stitched up. Not afraid of needles one bit but add a thread and it takes every bit of my will avoid yelling and running for my life to keep the doctor from doing his work.
4. My aforementioned fear was born on Christmas Eve when I was 1 and a half. I had split my forehead open on a snowplow. Now I have a distinctive scar.
5. Speaking of scars, I have one on my heart, figuratively and non-figuratively speaking.
6. The scar is the cure for a heart condition I had. Wolfe-Parkinson-White, if you want to research it. My personal heartbeat record? 235 beats per minute. At that speed, blood pressure rises real high and major blood vessels are liable to blow. The scar is my only sequelae. Oh! And low pressure, ironically.
7. I’m so not afraid of needles that I have a tattoo covering my back. A spiderweb with the four canopic jars trapped in it and the Eye of Horus at the center covers my upper back. An ivy runs along my spine. Some triquetras are hidden on its leaves. A huge spider spreads its leg across my lower back. Its belly is a lotus bud.
8. Apparently, my eyelids looks tasty enough for a very common ant to take a bite. Trust me when I tell you it isn’t the best way to wake up. I was a teenager and my father actually had to quash the thing and pull the mandibles off my lid with tweezers.
9. I grew up on a farm with a poultry slaughterhouse. I can pluck a quail (you need tweezers to do that too), handle its eggs and chicks, but I hate taking an full-grown quail in my hand. The pulsing feathers between my fingers just give me the heebie-jeebies.
10. I dare say my stuffed quails are to die for. Especially when accompanied by a nice bottle of red Australian Shiraz (which is my favorite category of wine so I don’t care if it isn’t suppose to go with quails.)
11. If a zombie outbreak was to happen, I have good chances of survival. I’ve read the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z. Those books are awesome.
12. I get life-threateningly clumsy when I’m stressed or lacking too much sleep.
13. I practice my singing 30 minutes between 6 to 8 almost every evening.
14. I often turn the music up and dance alone in my apartment to either celebrate my life or avoid losing my belly dance moves.

Okay. Now that I bored you with details about me, here is the list of the blogs I give this award to. You should go ahead and discover their awesomeness. I am not going to list 30 of them because a) I don’t know that many and b) three of the bloggers I would have put on this list actually gave me the award. I’m not even sure I’ll make it to 15…
In no particular order:
The NaSties’ blogs:



Sabrina’s (aka Leaf) Tea Leaves and Violins. She just started this blog but trust me a violin-making, wood-collecting, tea-drinking, glass-ball-juggling synesthete cannot be boring.
Melanie Bourgeois’ Portfolio. She is making me some nice visuals for Unforeseen Dives.

About Aheïla

Somewhere in Quebec City, Aheïla works as a Game Design Director by day and writes by night. Known for her blue hair, unyielding dynamism and tasty cooking (quails, anyone?), she’s convinced “prose is the new crack”. She satisfies her addiction daily on The Writeaholic’s Blog and weekly on Games' Bustles View all posts by Aheïla

14 responses to “My First Blog Award

  • Jenn

    Thanks for sharing all those points of interest about you! It’s always fun to learn something new! Now, you need to take a picture of your back tattoo so we can all see it!

    • Aheïla

      It’s in my plans but since the piece spreads from the nape of my neck to the birth of my buttocks, it calls for a special photo shoot. I still have to schedule it with one of my photograph friend. 😉
      And his girlfriend might actually make a dress for me that shows all of the tattoo.

    • Antonio

      Well, you certainly deserve a “versatility award.” What aqn interesting post, I learned so much about you. I second Jenn’s request on the tattoo shoot. The writer, Jocelynn Drake got a very large, detailed back tattoo and bravely posted it on her website. I have World War Z but have not read it YET;here in the U.S. the AMC channel is going to put on a zombie series this fall inspired by Kirkland’s Walking Dead comic series(I think i got those names right) You CRACK ME UP! You’ve nominated me for a blogging award and you NEVER READ my stuff(LOL) 😉 I know, your busy, no worries, we keep up on the NaSty pages, right?

      • Aheïla

        Hey! No fair about me not reading your stuff! I read my birthday story and I scanned the other ones (except the fanfic since I want to read BMS first.) I have so many things to catch up on. *smacks her head*
        I’ll get the tattoo picture… one day. 😉

  • Leaf

    You are so nice ♥ Thank you.

    Hmm, the thing is, I’m not sure I’d like to post personal facts on my blog… I recently had a bad experience with that kind of doing :S (Not to mention I don’t know enough people yet to give it back ^^; )

    But I really appreciate the fact that you put my name in your post. It triggers a warm feeling ^^ Thanks again. And you, on the other hand, fully deserved that award!!

  • Phil

    Thanks for listing my blog with the others, though I’m new to this and can’t possibly compete with your versatility.
    I’m totally checking out Sabrina’s/Leaf’s blog tonight! Sounds très cool! 😉

  • Anna

    Ohhh tattoo. I wanna see!

  • Alyssa

    This is a bit belated, but I’ve been busy! I’m sorry!

    Thank you very much Aheila!!
    😉 I’m thinking seriously of getting a tattoo. I have a design and everything. I would’ve gone last year, but then the only place close to where I lived was very dodgy…
    So, I await patiently.

    • Aheïla

      No problem! And it’s a pleasure to give it to you.
      As for the tattoo, it’s smart to wait.
      One of the keys to being happy with your tattoo is to have the right design AND the right artist. If you don’t trust that person with making a permanent mark on your skin, you shouldn’t do it “just because you want a tattoo.”

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