2010 Story Project’s Pondering

Ok. So I have this problem.

If you have read the About section of this blog, you know that I have set a series of rules regarding my unfolding story that still uses the working title of “2010 story”. The format is set at 1,000 words a week.
Unfortunately, for a few weeks now, Cassidy has been wanting to have more and more space. What I planned to be one post hardly fits in 1,000 words. At the same time, just splitting it in half doesn’t cut it: each half wouldn’t be strong enough to endure the week between them.
I also looked at my readership’s ebb and flow. I realize that one post a week isn’t enough of a hold to bring most people back.

So I’m left with this question: should I double the amount of content, effectively posting two 1,000 words snippets a week?
It solves all the problems! Or does it?

See, there is this nagging concept of time: there is only so much in a week. Can I maintain the new rhythm without compromising my other projects?

Pondering… pondering…

I don’t have the answer. What I think I’ll do is try it out and see if it works. If it’s not too much of a strain, I’ll officially amend the rules of my personal challenge. If requires bigger a chunk of my time than I can afford, I’ll rework my story’s parceling to fit it into the original format.

In any case, you’ll have a snippet tomorrow. 😉

About Aheïla

Somewhere in Quebec City, Aheïla works as a Game Design Director by day and writes by night. Known for her blue hair, unyielding dynamism and tasty cooking (quails, anyone?), she’s convinced “prose is the new crack”. She satisfies her addiction daily on The Writeaholic’s Blog and weekly on Games' Bustles View all posts by Aheïla

2 responses to “2010 Story Project’s Pondering

  • Phil

    Is this an obsession with word count? I know Cassidy has a lot to deal with and she needs space, but she’s also about quality and character. I know you’ll figure it out and I think Cassidy will appreciate it.

    • Aheïla

      It is an obsession. It’s one of the cores of the challenge. I don’t want to just write a story: I want to fit it in a defined format. 😉
      It will remain about quality, too. Some posts are not as good as the others but that’s normal. There are downtimes in a book and there normally are rewrites to make them better.
      I won’t lower the standard I have regarding myself. I want to be the kick-off of my will to hone my writing skills. 🙂

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